Supporting everyone to reach their potential...
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At The Grove we support children and young people that are experiencing difficulties that include:
Separation anxiety | self esteem | family changes | sleep & eating disorders | anxiety | depression | adoption & fostering | ADHD & ADD | autism spectrum disorder | abuse & neglect | grief & loss | bullying | school difficulties | trauma | shyness & socialisation | phobias | selective mutism | self-harm | chronic illenss or hospitalisation (of self or other) | physical symptoms without medical cause
“For children to “play out” their experiences and feelings is the most natural dynamic and healing process in which they can engage.”
There are times when children benefit from counselling. The impact of some issues, such as separation, bullying or school anxiety are obvious but sometimes as a parent or care giver it’s not as clear why a child has become withdrawn, worried, tearful or aggressive, but if you feel your child might need counselling, trust your instincts. Play Therapy, Expressive Therapies and Art Therapy are gentle therapeutic interventions that allow your child to process and make sense of challenges and issues they are facing.
Read more about Child Counselling ...
Adolescents / Teenagers
Adolescence can be a challenging life transition. In addition to the shifting hormones, the increased responsibilities and challenges, life can seem overwhelming. Many teenagers find they need support when struggling, particularly around - family troubles, school performance and social anxiety. And in these struggles, teenagers may find themselves feeling sad, angry and anxious. However, with the support of Client-centered Counselling, they can begin to address the issues and find greater ease in life.
Read more about Teenage Counselling ...
“…being a teenager is such a compelling time period in your life - it gives you some of your worst scars and some of your most exhilarating moments. ”
Child and Parent / Caregiver
Sometimes, parents face issues with their child that they do not know how to handle. Parenting is challenging work and unfortunately children do not come with a manual. Children do however come with their own wants and needs and parenting is a process of respecting those wants and needs whilst still acting in the best interests of the children. Child Parent Relationship Therapy assists children and parents to establish respectful and heart felt connections within the family.
Learn more about Family Counselling...
“You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth. ”