A culture of self care for Therapists...
Speak with a Supervisor for FREE - phone or video call
The clearer we are in ourselves, the more effectively we can take action to support others.
In Australia, if you are a psychologist, a counsellor, or a social worker - as a part of your self care, it is a mandatory part of your registration that you maintain minimum levels of supervision. However, for many others working in the helping profession, supervision is not provided. Group supervision at The Grove offers an economical way to support both teams and individuals. For example, if you are - a case worker, a support worker, a nurse, a police officer, a teacher, a lawyer, a health practitioner, or you work in emergency services - supervision can offer you, or your team, an economical, safe and supportive space in which you can debrief and develop a culture of self-care.
What is Supervision?...
Supervision can offer you, or your team, an economical, safe and supportive space in which you can debrief and develop a culture of self-care.
At The Grove, we prize supervision. Supervision is designed to support people working in the helping professions, to be the most effective practitioners they can be. It is a place where practitioners - are held accountable, are actively encouraged to reflect on their work, and are encouraged to extend their learning. As such supervision, can contribute to a practitioners growth, both professionally and personally. At The Grove, we endeavour to offer high quality supervision opportunities for ourselves and other professionals.
Supervision at The Grove...
Working to understand your supervision needs, we will assist you in determining the best path forward to support you and your team. Designed to be supportive and flexible, supervision with a registered supervisor, is offered at The Grove, both in person and online. The types of supervision available include:
Individual Supervision
Individual supervision is recommended, at minimum, on a monthly basis and is scheduled by appointment with your supervisor. Delivered in person and ONLINE. 60 mins
Group Supervision - mental health professionals
Facilitated by a a PACFA / ACA accredited supervisor, meet monthly to learn and grow with other like-minded therapists in the field. Offered over 2 hours, groups comprise of no more than 6 people and consist of a carefully selected blend of mental health professionals. Learn more about supervision groups.
Team Supervision - other professionals
Team supervision provides a very economical way for organisations to support and care for their staff. Team supervision is available either at your site or at The Grove Counselling & Therapy. Delivered in person. Length - as required.
Our Supervisors...
Coming Soon
Stay tuned - new supervision options are coming to The Grove very soon.
“Supervision has changed how I feel about myself as a practitioner and given me the confidence to extend myself further than I ever believed possible”
Try a FREE 20 min Supervision Session ...
We recognise that finding the right supervisor can be a challenge. The quality of the relationship, between the therapist and the supervisor is important. In addition, finding a supervisor who has both the background of experience, as well as, the therapeutic orientations that we are seeking, is not always easy.
Spend 20 minutes speaking with a supervisor to get a sense of whether The Grove is a good match for you. This session is delivered by telephone, at no cost to all new supervisees.
Speak with a Supervisor for FREE - phone or video call
Other Support & Training
Perhaps it is not ongoing supervision you require, but instead a stand alone workshop delivered to your team. Contact us to discuss how we might be able to help you...
11 Williams Road, Windsor VIC 3181 Tel: 03-9532-4567 E: info@thegrovecounselling.com