Are your therapists available online & in-person? Guided by Victorian Health & Human Services, to help keep everyone safe, IN-PERSON therapy appointments are gradually returning with some of our therapists. All other appointments are being provided ONLINE. This situation is being constantly reviewed and is being updated as restrictions are lifting. (last updated 1/12/21)

How much does counselling cost? - Effective 1st July 2024 - June 30th 2025

  • Individual* - Initial and Long session $220 (up to 90 mins)

  • Individual* - Standard session $175 (up to 60 mins)

  • Individual* - Short session $120 (up to 30 mins)

  • Couples - Initial and Long session $250 (up to 90 mins)

  • Couples - Standard session $200 (up to 60 mins)

  • Family Therapy - Initial session $250 (up to 90 mins)

  • Family Therapy - Standard session $200 (up to 60 mins)

  • Supervision - Standard session $175 (up to 60mins)

  • Supervision - Long session $220 (up to 90mins)

* price remains the same regardless of age of the individual

How do you practice following COVID? Guided by Victorian Health & Human Services:

  • Let's Look After Each Other - if you are feeling at all unwell, please do not attend. We will happily convert your IN-PERSON session to our ONLINE platform.

  • Session Spacing - sessions spaced 15mins apart & with a limited number of therapists at a time

  • Washing hands - all clients required to wash hands upon arrival

  • Cleaning  - therapy rooms, door handles & high touch areas cleaned in between sessions

  • Social Distancing - please sit 1.5m from other clients & your therapist

  • Contactless Payment - payments processed remotely, no cash

  • Restricted Access - access to the kitchen is no longer available to our clients

  • Refreshments - no longer provided, you are encouraged to bring your own water bottles

  • Self Reporting - if diagnosed with COVID-19 pre or post-session, clients & therapists agree to self-report

  • Cancellation Flexibility - if any symptoms of COVID are experienced, the session can be cancelled at zero cost to the client, even if under 24hrs 

  • Session Flexibility - please note, if a COVID risk is detected, sessions booked as in-person will be altered to online

What is your cancellation policy? - If you cancel in under 24 hours, a 50% cancellation fee may apply. Attached to your booking confirmation and your appointment reminder email, there is a link that enables you to cancel your session online. NB - we do not charge cancellation fees for cancellations related to COVID.

What do I do if I need to change or cancel my appointment? - It is as simple as selecting Cancel Appointment in your confirmation email & you will have the option to book an alternate time via our online booking system. Or alternatively, please email your therapist to advise them of your needs. Your therapist’s email address is listed on the About page and in your confirmation email that you received when booking your appointment.

What if I am running late for my appointment?  - Please text your therapist and let them know.  Wherever possible we will try to accommodate you.  However, if there are other clients booked immediately after you, we will need to respect their needs and your appointment will complete at the scheduled time.

Do you offer rebates? - As counsellors, we are not in a position to participate in the mental health plan scheme and as such, related rebates do not apply.  For many clients this suits, as we find they do not wish to have a record of a mental health plan attached to themselves or to their children.  For others, depending on their level of cover and the therapist engaged, they choose to claim through their private health fund.

How do I choose a counsellor? - Choosing a counsellor when we are in distress can be a difficult task.  Take some time to speak to a number of counsellors prior to making a decision to commit.  We recommend using our 20min FREE Conversation with one of our therapists to get a sense of whether the counsellor feels the right fit for you.  Remember this is a very personal decision and finding the right counselling fit is critical to the effectiveness of the work. Learn more

How many sessions will I need? - Counselling is a very personal journey, unique to each individual.  For some people, one or two sessions is sufficient to address a time of distress for others it may take many more. Together with your counsellor, you will develop an agreed plan of treatment, which together you will also frequently review.  

How does counselling or therapy help?  - When we are in distress, the experience can be incredibly isolating and times frightening.  At the centre of the counselling experience is the counselling relationship with your therapist.  Counselling can assist by helping us tougher with another, safely process and make sense of our experiences and in doing so support us in finding greater ease in our lives.    

Is Online Counselling available to everyone? - Online Counselling is a great alternative for those that can not make it to our practice. However, please note that it is not applicable if you are concerned that you may be of risk to yourself or another.   

How can I get the most out of my counselling or therapy sessions?  - As you are able to, we invite our clients to arrive a little ahead of time prior to their appointment.  This allows you time to settle, help yourself to a cool drink or a cup of tea before commencing the session.  Rather than rushing to the next appointment, give yourself time to sit with your experience afterwards.  In between sessions, engage in some form of structured processing and integration of the counselling experience, such as journaling .  If homework is set, do it. To truly experience the momentum of change that can occur when undertaking this type of therapeutic work, for a period of time, commit to regular counselling sessions, ideally no more than a week apart. Learn more...

How can I best support my child, who is undertaking counselling / therapy? - Commend your child for their courage and love them to bits.  Know that they may not want to talk about their therapy experiences and respect this.  Trust that your child will talk with you when and if they need to.  And also know that your child's therapist will always make contact with you if they are at all concerned about your child's welfare or wellbeing.

Somebody else is paying for me to attend counselling, will they have access to my files? - All that you share in your counselling session remains confidential.  Except in the case that the counsellor is subpoenaed by law or is deeply concerned for your or another's wellbeing, your counsellor is bound by a code of conduct that demands client confidentiality across all client material.  Whether it is your parents, your employer or your partner paying for you to attend counselling or therapy, no one, apart from you is permitted to have access to your files, and aside from your therapist's professional supervisor, none of the information you reveal in session will be shared with a third party.

What does client confidentiality mean and when does it not apply? - All that you share in your counselling session remains confidential.  Except in the case that the counsellor is subpoenaed by law or is deeply concerned for your or another's wellbeing, your counsellor is bound by a code of conduct that demands client confidentiality across all client material.  No one apart from you is permitted to have access to your files, and aside from your therapist's professional supervisor, none of the information you reveal in session will be shared with a third party.

What is Play Therapy? Play Therapy is to children what counselling is to adults. Play therapy utilizes play, children's natural medium of expression, to help them express their feelings more easily through toys instead of words. Play is a natural way that children understand their world, express thoughts and feelings, develop social skills and learn self-mastery.  Child-centred Play Therapy is a medium for children to express difficult feelings, explore relationships and process their experiences.  Children often have difficulty trying to say in words what they feel or how experiences have affected them.  Through the toys and art materials, children can identify their inner feelings through what they choose and how they play. To learn more go to Play Therapy.

What is Art Therapy? - Art Therapy gives teenagers and adults the opportunity to express powerful feelings and emotions, in a non-verbal way. The process and outcomes of making art can then facilitate discussion about some of the issues you or your child may be facing. Sometimes more can be said in pictures than in words. In art-making, a thought or feeling can be represented by an image, making it tangible and therefore a record of the experience. Through discussion and processes, we can then re-experience, resolve and integrate this experience. To learn more go to Art Therapy.

What is Whole-Body Focussing oriented therapy? -  Whole-Body Focusing Oriented Therapy invites both the client and the therapist alike, to bring greater present moment awareness to their physical experience in the therapeutic space.  Based upon the belief that our body holds much personal wisdom, whole-body focussing invites a very gentle unfolding and experiencing of personal insight and knowledge.   For some clients, this approach to therapy can be very revealing and deeply empowering. To learn more go to Whole-Body Focusing Oriented Therapy.

Why does my therapist need supervision? - Working as a therapist is incredibly rewarding, but at times can be also very demanding.  As a part of our culture of self-care, it is a requirement of our industry, that as therapists we seek regular supervision from registered counselling supervisors.  Counselling supervisors is a place where practitioners - are held accountable, are actively encouraged to reflect on their work, and are pushed to extend their learning.   As such supervision can contribute to a practitioners growth, both professionally and personally.  Just as therapists are bound by client confidentiality codes of conduct, so are all supervisors. 

Is there space for me to rent at The Grove? - We rent space to a small group of carefully selected therapists at The Grove.  If you are an Allied Health Practitioner and you are interested in applying to join us, please send us a cover letter and your resume at


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11 Williams Road, Windsor VIC 3181     Tel: 03-9532-4567   E: