Our aim is to help you to find a way to live with loss...
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“I was swallowed up in the deep fog of grief — what I think of as the void — an emptiness that fills your heart, your lungs, constricts your ability to think or even to breathe”
Grief Counselling Melbourne
Grief is a natural response to the loss of something or someone in our lives. Losing someone to death is typically how we consider grief, however moments of loss are forever present. Grief may result from:
- job loss
- death of a pet
- illness
- shift in financial security
- death of a person
- moving house
- termination
- life not turning out how we had imagined
- migration
- relationship collapse
- moving schools
- significant life transitions
- miscarriage

Regardless of our age or stage in life, loss and associated grief, affects children just as much as adults. No loss is insignificant and there are times in our lives when we may find ourselves more affected by loss than perhaps we are able to make sense of. Grief counselling can help.
Coping with Grief
How we sit with loss often informs how we experience grief. Grief is a very individual and personal response to loss. There are a lot of ways in which grief can affect us. Some common expressions of grief can include:
- depressive symptoms
- physical pain
- sleeping problems
- shift in eating patterns
- destructive behaviours
- poor concentration
- problems with school or work performance
- becoming easily upset
- ‘switching’, acting as if the loss has not happened
- becoming fearful
- anger or aggression
- self blaming
- sense of isolation
- struggling in relationships
Sometimes the grief can become more than we know how to deal with and can begin to interfere with our capacity to function in life.
If you or someone you know is struggling in their loss, grief counselling can help.

Help with Grief and Loss
The Grove Counselling & Therapy in St Kilda offers support and guidance for those who are experiencing grief and loss. Our counsellors help clients gently acknowledge and come into relationship with their loss, in a way that enables a re-engagement with life.
Whilst there are 7 typical stages of grief often described – shock, denial, bargaining, guilt, anger, depression and hope - grief can have many faces and is not linear in its expression.
Perhaps someone in your life is facing the end of life. Even prior to their death you and they can experience pre-emptive grief.
There are other times when people find themselves stalled in particular expression of grief and until the loss is gently yet actively acknowledged, they may find that they struggle to move through the grief. This experience is known as complicated grief.
In finding ways to gently acknowledge your experience of grief, we will help you find life in your loss.

Grief Therapy
Our approach to grief therapy varies from client to client. Depending on the client, the therapy may come in the form of art therapy, expressive therapies, sand play, wholebody focusing oriented therapy or even more traditional talk therapy.
Grief therapy is a very gentle process, often inviting a collaborative approach to the work. This can be particularly useful when we are supporting family members experiencing loss. At The Grove Counselling & Therapy we offer a confidential setting, in which you can openly explore how loss is affecting your life and your relationships.

“I learned about the depths of sadness and the brutality of loss. But I also learned that when life sucks you under, you can kick against the bottom, break the surface, and breathe again. I learned that in the face of the void — or in the face of any challenge — you can choose joy and meaning.”
Grief Counselling can Help
At The Grove Counselling and Therapy we help our clients meet grief and discover new ways way to live with loss. We’re here to support you as you find your way forward in life.
Are you currently feeling overwhelmed in your grief? Do you have a loved one who is struggling to cope with a loss? If so, contact us at The Grove Counselling & Therapy for a confidential consultation on 03-9532-4567 or book a session via our Online BOOKING service.
+ Read MoreThe Best Grief Counselling in Melbourne
Grief is a difficult burden to carry, and not something you should carry alone. People with the best of intentions will be trying to cheer you up and tell you to just get on with your life.
Often it's because it's difficult for them to see you in pain. For others, your grief is a reminder that their own is on the way at some time in the future. That's why it's so difficult for most people to provide proper support to those who are grieving, and so difficult for those who are grieving to get the support they need.
Nonetheless, it is important for you to get that support when you need it, and grief counselling can help. For grief counselling in Melbourne, you can call The Grove to speak with one of our experienced grief counsellors.
"Grief Counselling Near Me" At The Grove
The Grove is a safe place where you can say what you're really feeling. Too much of the time you have to think about what others expect you to feel, and that's not always easy to live up to.
Well-meaning though they may be, others around you could inadvertently be putting extra pressure on you in their efforts to make you "cheer up and get on with your life".
In truth, however, extra pressure is not something you need right now, and it's certainly not something that's really going to help you cheer up and get on with your life. What you really need is an opportunity to speak freely, and to get real advice that will provide you with genuine coping strategies.
Grief is natural, but needs to be managed
Loss is always painful. There's no avoiding the pain, and it's really difficult to hide the pain, so it can be really helpful to have that opportunity where you don't feel the need to hide anything. To be able to properly express your grief, and eventually come to terms with it.
Everyone deals with grief in different ways. The trick to it is to allow yourself to feel whatever you are feeling, without allowing it to overwhelm you.
If you're feeling overwhelmed in your grief, or simply want some help to make it easier to bear, call The Grove. We are located in Melbourne. Grief counselling is available by appointment, and we are always willing to listen and help.
Grief and Loss Counselling Online Can Get You the Support You Need
It is highly important to get the support you need after you have experienced grief, whether it stems from the death of someone important to you or other moments of loss. Grief can produce both emotional and physical symptoms that can drastically impair your ability to handle day-to-day life. If you’ve been hesitant to search for a ‘grief psychologist near me’ because you feel overwhelmed, it is important to remember there is no right or wrong way to feel after a loss.
In the short term, taking the first steps and googling for a ‘grief counsellor near me’ can provide you with help to navigate the aftermath of your loss and make practical decisions in your life that you have felt unable to contend with. In the long term, receiving grief counselling will help you to come to terms with the loss and adapt to life after it.
There is a range of therapies to assist with grief. For those who struggle with complicated grief, it can lead to troubling thoughts; you may find it hard to regulate your emotions and experience dysfunctional behaviours. Traumatic grief therapy can help when you have gone through a sudden loss or witnessed the death of a loved one. A therapist can help you to navigate the intensity of your grief, seek to reduce the symptoms of trauma, and provide you with coping skills that can help you move forward. If you’re apprehensive about what to expect when you meet with a grief counsellor, it generally entails talking about the loss, how it has impacted you, and how you are coping. Grief and loss counselling online may be for you if you struggle with day-to-day tasks. It can help you to rebuild both your routine and identity after the loss.
Help is here when you need it
Don't let grief immobilize you. There is still a life left for you to live, and you will need to do the best you can to live it. You may find this easier with help from The Grove.
For grief counseling in Melbourne, call The Grove on (03) 9352 4567. Grief counselling is not about pretending you're not grieving, it's about finding a way to cope while you're grieving.
The Grove Counselling provides the best therapy & counselling in Melbourne. We specialise in teenage counselling, grief counselling, family counselling, depression counselling, art therapy, child counselling, child therapy, anxiety counselling, sleep therapy, play therapy, phobia therapy, trauma counselling, hollistic counselling and abuse counselling
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For other forms of therapy, check out: anxiety counselling Melbourne, depression counselling Melbourne and art therapy Melbourne sessions.
Further resources:

11 Williams Road, Windsor VIC 3181 Tel: 03-9532-4567 E: info@thegrovecounselling.com